Monday, 29 December 2014
**** New CT Tutorial for KIT - Arthur Crowe - Delicious New Year - COMING SOON ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 29th December 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Delicious New Year by Dance In The Rain
Tube: Delicious New Year by Arthur Crowe.
This is an Exclusive Kit Match that can only be found HERE
(You must have a license to use this tube)
Font of Choice - I used Cocktail Bubbly
Mask: 8 by Chrissy's Chaos found HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Tube Drop Shadow Settings:
Vertical: 3
Horizontal: 3
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 9 - DNR
* Element 9 - DNR
* Element 14 - Resized to 150%
* Element 15 - DNR
* Element 29 - Resized to 125%
* Element 12 - Resized to 125%
* Element 10 - DNR
* Element 1 - Resized to 50%
* Element 2 - Resized to 50%

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 9 (DNR)
Open your Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 9 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 9 on to your mask layer.
DNR & Position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 14 on to your image.
Resize to 150% and position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 15 on to your image.
DNR and position. Apply Drop Shadow.

Duplicate Element 15 - Flip Horizontally - No need to add extra Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 29 on to your image.
Resize to 125% and position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 12 on to your image.
Resize to 125% and position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 10 on to your image.
DNR and position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 1 on to your image.
Resize to 50% and position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 2 on to your image.
Resize to 50% and position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P your Tube on to your image.
Resize to 85%
Position & Apply Drop Shadow.

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 36 and color White with an outline color Gold.
I also applied a drop Shadow using the TUBE settings.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

Wednesday, 24 December 2014
**** New Combined CT Tutorial for Mystical Scraps Store - Tunchy Art Tube, New Year & Freeks Creations Kit, New Years Party ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 24th December 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Camp New Years Party By Freeks Creations found HERE
Tube: New Year by Tunchy Art found HERE
(You must have a license to use this tube)
Font of Choice - I used Cocktail Party.
Mask: 736 by Millie's PSP Madness found HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Tube Drop Shadow Settings:
Vertical: 3
Horizontal: 3
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 7 - DNR
* Sparkles 2 - Resized to 125%
* Fireworks 2 - Resized to 150%
* Dance Floor - Resized to 125%
* City - DNR
* Fireworks - DNR
* Limo - DNR
* Balloons - DNR

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 7 (DNR)
Open your Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 7 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Sparkles 2 on to your mask layer.
Resize to 125% & Position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Fireworks 2 on to your image.
Resize to 150% and position. Apply Drop Shadow.

Duplicate Fireworks 2 - Flip Horizontally - Position - No need to add extra Drop Shadow.

C&P Dance Floor on to your image.
Resize to 125% and position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P City on to your image.
DNR, Position and apply drop shadow.

C&P Fireworks on to your image.
DNR and position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Limo on to your image.
DNR and position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Balloons on to your image.
DNR and position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P your Tube on to your image.
Resize to 35%
Position & Apply Drop Shadow.

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 36 and color Pink with an outline color Purple.
I also applyed a drop Shadow using the TUBE settings.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

Sunday, 21 December 2014
**** New Combined CT Tutorial for Amy Marie's Kit, Scarlette's Christmas & Designs By Norella's Tube, Scarlett ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 21st December 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Scarlette's Christmas by Amy Marie's Kits found HERE
Tube: Scarlett by Designs By Norella found HERE
Font of Choice - I used Ale and Wenches.
Mask: Number 27 by Millie's PSP Madness found HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 15 - DNR
* Element 47 - DNR
* Element 85 - DNR
* Element 67 - Resized to 120%
* Element 138 - Resized to 80%
* Element 142 - DNR
* Element 103 - Resized to 60%
* Element 11 - Resized to 40%

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 15 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 15 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 47 on to your mask layer.
DNR. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 85 on to your image.
DNR. Position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 67 on to your image.
Resize to 120%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 138 on to your image.
Resize to 80%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 142 on to your image.
DNR. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 103 on to your image.
Resize to 60%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 11 on to your image.
Resize to 40%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P your Tube on to your image.
Resize to 35%. Position & Apply Drop Shadow.

Use the following Drop Shadow Settings for the tube & name:

Vertical: 3
Horizontal: 3
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 12 and color White with an outline color Dark Red.
I have also applied a Drop Shadow using the TUBE settings.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

**** New CT Tutorial for Souldesigner & Matching Kit by Kizzed by Kelz - Happy New Year ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 21st December 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Happy New Year by Kizzed By Kelz found HERE
Tube: Happy New Year by Soul Designer found HERE
Font of Choice - I used Cocktail Bubbly.
Mask: Number 30 by Chrissy's Chaos found HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 10 - DNR
* Element 13 - Resized to 110%
* Element 17 - DNR
* Element 12 - Resized to 110%
* Element 16 - Resized to 40%
* Element 22 - Resized to 65%
* Element 23 - Resized to 35%
* Element 24 - Resized to 65%
* Element 25 - Resized to 125%
* Element 26 - DNR
* Element 30 - Resized to 50%
* Element 31 - Resized to 50%
* Element 38 - Resized to 40%
* Element 86 - DNR
* Element 9 - Resized to 80%

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 10 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 10 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 13 on to your mask layer.
Resize to 110%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 17 on to your image.
DNR. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

Duplicate Element 17 - Flip Horizontally - No need to add extra Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 12 on to your image.
Resize to 110%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 16 on to your image.
Resize to 40%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 22 on to your image.
Resize to 65%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 23 on to your image.
Resize to 35%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 24 on to your image.
Resize to 65%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 25 on to your image.
Resize to 125%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 26 on to your image.
DNR. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 30 on to your image.
Resize to 50%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

Duplicate Element 30 - Flip Horizontally - No need to add extra Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 31 on to your image.
Resize to 50%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 38 on to your image.
Resize to 40%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 86 on to your image.
DNR. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 9 on to your image.
Resize to 80%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P your Tube on to your image.
Resize to 80% Position & Apply Drop Shadow.

Use the following Drop Shadow Settings for the tube & name:

Vertical: 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 36 and color Pink with an outline color Silver.
I have also applied a Drop Shadow using the TUBE settings.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

**** New CT Tutorial for Amy Marie - It's Christmas Time ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 21st December 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: It's Christmas Time by Amy Marie's Kits found HERE
No Tube was used on this Tut. It is a scraps only Tut.
Font of Choice - I used PW Stretched.
Mask: 23 by Chrissy's Chaos found HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 35 - DNR
* Element 24 - DNR
* Element 143 - DNR
* Element 144 - DNR
* Element 110 - DNR
* Element 111 - DNR
* Element 136 - Resized to 125%

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 35 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 35 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 24 on to your mask layer.
DNR. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 143 on to your image.
DNR. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 144 on to your image.
DNR and position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 110 on to your image.
DNR. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 111 on to your image.
DNR. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 136 on to your image.
Resize to 125%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

Use the following Drop Shadow Settings for the name:

Vertical: 3
Horizontal: 3
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 18 and color White with an outline color Purple.
Apply Drop Shadow.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

Thursday, 18 December 2014
**** New CT Tutorial for Amy Marie - Happy Holidays ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 18th December 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Happy Holidays by Amy Marie's Kits found HERE
No Tube was used on this Tut. It is a scraps only Tut.
Font of Choice - I used Home & Health.
Mask: 8 by Chrissy's Chaos found HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 16 - DNR
* Element 87 - Resized to 200%
* Element 116 - DNR
* Element 92 - DNR
* Element 101 - Resized to 50%
* Element 17 - DNR

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 16 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 16 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 87 on to your image.
Resize to 200%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 116 on to your image.
DNR and position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 92 on to your image.
DNR. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 101 on to your image.
Resize to 50%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 17 on to your image.
DNR. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

Use the following Drop Shadow Settings for the name:

Vertical: 3
Horizontal: 3
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 14 and color White with an outline color Purple.
Apply Drop Shadow.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

Tuesday, 16 December 2014
**** New CT Tutorial for Souldesigner & Matching Kit by Mariel Designs ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 16th December 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Happy New Year by Mariel Designs found HERE
Tube: Happy New Year by Soul Designer found HERE
Font of Choice - I used Our First Kiss.
Mask: Number 9 by Chrissy's Chaos found HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 10 - DNR
* Frame 2 - Resized to 85%
* Element 7 - Resized to 85%
* Element 13 - DNR
* Element 59 - Resized to 85%
* Element 25 - Resized to 35%
* Element 21 - Resized to 60%
* Element 26 - Resized to 50%
* Element 27 - Resized to 50%
* Element 12 - Resized to 45%

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 10 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 10 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Frame 2 on to your mask layer.
Resize to 85%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 7 on to your image.
Resize to 85%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 13 on to your image.
DNR. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 59 on to your image.
Resize to 85%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

Duplicate Element 59 - Flip Horizontally - Position - Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 25 on to your image.
Resize to 35%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 21 on to your image.
Resize to 60%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 26 on to your image.
Resize to 50%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 27 on to your image.
Resize to 50%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 12 on to your image.
Resize to 45%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P your Tube on to your image.
DNR. Position & Apply Drop Shadow.

Use the following Drop Shadow Settings for the tube & name:

Vertical: 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 72 and color White with an outline color Gold.
I have also applied a Drop Shadow using the TUBE settings.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

**** New CT Tutorial for Amy Marie - Blue Christmas ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 16th December 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Blue Christmas by Amy Marie's Kits found HERE
Tube: Silvia by Alex Prihodko found HERE
Font of Choice - I used Kaufmann.
Mask: Number 28 By Chrissy's Chaos found HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 9 - DNR
* Element 9 - Resized to 115%
* Element 96 - DNR
* Element 86 - DNR
* Element 97 - DNR
* Element 60 - Resized to 65%

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 9 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 9 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 9 on to your mask layer.
Resize to 115%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 96 on to your image.
DNR. Position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 86 on to your image.
DNR. Position & apply Drop Shadow.
Erase all that is showing inside the frame.

C&P Element 97 on to your image.
DNR. Position & apply Drop Shadow.
Rotate to your liking.

C&P Element 60 on to your image.
Resize to 65%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P your Tube on to your image.
Resize to 50%. Position & Apply Drop Shadow.

Use the following Drop Shadow Settings for the tube & name:

Vertical: 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 24 and color White with an outline color Blue.
I have also applied a Drop Shadow using the TUBE settings.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

Sunday, 14 December 2014
**** New CT Tutorial for KIT - Tony T New Release - Christmas Elf ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 14th December 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Christmas Elf by Kizzed By Kelz
Tube: Christmas Elf by Tony T.
This is a Kit & Tube Match & can be found HERE
(You must have a license to use this tube)
Font of Choice - I used Dark Shire.
Mask: 31 by Millie's PSP Madness found HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Tube Drop Shadow Settings:
Vertical: 3
Horizontal: 3
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 2 - DNR
* Element 31 - Resized to 140%
* Element 32 - Resized to 140%
* Element 1 - Resized to 85%
* Element 6 - Resized to 65%

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 2 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 2 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 31 on to your mask layer.
Resize to 140% Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 32 on to your image.
Resize to 140%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 1 on to your image.
Resize to 85%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 6 on to your image.
Resize to 65%. Position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Your tube on to your image.
Resize to 50%. Position and Apply TUBE settings Drop Shadow.

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 24 and color White with an outline color Green.
I have also applied a Drop Shadow using the TUBE settings

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

**** New CT Tutorial for Souldesigner - Marylin & Matching Kit by Mariel Designs ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 14th December 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Galmour Marylin by Mariel Designs found HERE
Tube: Marylin by Soul Designer found HERE
Font of Choice - I used Bonheur Royale.
Mask: Number 17 by Millie's PSP Madness found HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 11 - DNR
* Frame numbered 47 - Resized to 75%
* Element 28 - Resized to 40%
* Element 29 - Resized to 50%
* Element 14 - Resized to 60%
* Element 39 - Resized to 110%
* Element 47 - Resized to 40%
* Element 34 - Resized to 75%
* Element 78 - Resized to 75%

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 11 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 11 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Frame numbered 47 on to your mask layer.
Resize to 75%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 28 on to your image.
Resize to 40%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 29 on to your image.
Resize to 50%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 14 on to your image.
Resize to 60%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 39 on to your image.
Resize to 110%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 47 on to your image.
Resize to 40%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 34 on to your image.
Resize to 75%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 78 on to your image.
Resize to 75%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P your Tube on to your image.
DNR. Position & Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Tube on to your image again.
Resize to 20% & Apply Drop Shadow.

Use the following Drop Shadow Settings for the tube & name:

Vertical: 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 36 and color White with an outline color Orange.
I have also applied a Drop Shadow using the TUBE settings.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

**** New CT Tutorial for Amy Marie - Sugar Cane ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 14th December 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Sugar Cane by Amy Marie's Kits found HERE
Tube: Maria by Fedor found HERE
Font of Choice - I used Pupcat.
Mask: Number 28 By Chrissy's Chaos found HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 18 - DNR
* Element 33 - Resized to 115%
* Element 49 - DNR
* Element 17 - DNR
* Element 78 - Resized to 75%
* Element 53 - Resized to 75%
* Element 56 - DNR
* Element 52 - DNR

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 18 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 18 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 33 on to your mask layer.
Resize to 115%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 49 on to your image.
DNR. Position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 17 on to your image.
DNR. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 78 on to your image.
Resize to 75%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 53 on to your image.
Resize to 75%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 56 on to your image.
DNR. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 52 on to your image.
DNR. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P your Tube on to your image.
DNR. Position & Apply Drop Shadow.
Make sure this Tube layer is placed under all other elements & Erase any showing outside.

C&P Your Tube on to your image again.
Resize to 30%. Position & Apply Drop Shadow.

Use the following Drop Shadow Settings for the tube & name:

Vertical: 3
Horizontal: 3
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 20 and color Purple with an outline color Green.
I have also applied a Drop Shadow using the TUBE settings.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

Tuesday, 9 December 2014
**** New Show Off Timeline Set & Tag for Stan Dudin - Veronica Tube ****

I made this Set & Tag using the new & gorgeous Tube by Stan Dudin called Veronica.
This tube is Multi Layered & Stunning. It can be purchased HERE.

I paired it with a gorgeous Kit by Amy Marie called Christmas Old.
Christmas Old can be purchased HERE.

Please do not save this set. It was made for the Tube Artist Only.

Sunday, 7 December 2014
**** New CT Tutorial for Designs By Norella - Pazi ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 7th December 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Harvest Fall by Dance In The Rain found HERE
Tube: Pazi by Designs By Norella found HERE
Font of Choice - I used Rage Italic.
Mask: 20 by Millie's PSP Madness found HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 5 - DNR
* Element 6 - Resized to 125%
* Element 62 - DNR
* Element 94 - Resized to 125%
* Element 10 - DNR
* Element 113 - DNR
* Element 114 - Resized to 110%
* Element 72 - Resized to 65%

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 5 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 5 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 6 on to your mask layer.
Resize to 125%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 62 on to your image.
DNR. Position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 94 on to your image.
Resize to 125%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 10 on to your image.
DNR. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 113 on to your image.
DNR. Position & apply Drop Shadow. 

C&P Element 114 on to your image.
Resize to 110%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 72 on to your image.
Resize to 65%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P your Tube on to your image.
Resize to 30%. Position & Apply Drop Shadow.

Use the following Drop Shadow Settings for the tube & name:

Vertical: 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 30 and color Orange with an outline color Yellow.
I have also applied a Drop Shadow using the TUBE settings.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

**** New CT Tutorial for Amy Marie - Be Merry ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 7th December 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Be Merry by Amy Marie's Kits found HERE
Tube: Selena by Soul Designer found HERE
Font of Choice - I used Eight Fifteen.
Mask: Number 30 By Chrissy's Chaos found HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 30 - DNR
* Element 21 - Resized to 165%
* Element 165 - Resized to 130%
* Element 141 - Resized to 130%
* Element 153 - Resized to 75%
* Element 33 - DNR
* Element 150 - Resized to 75%

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 30 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 30 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 21 on to your mask layer.
Resize to 165%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 165 on to your image.
Resize to 130%. Position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 141 on to your image.
Resize to 130%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 153 on to your image.
Resize to 75%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 33 on to your image.
DNR Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 150 on to your image.
Resize to 75%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P your Tube on to your image.
Resize to 40%. Position & Apply Drop Shadow.

Use the following Drop Shadow Settings for the tube & name:

Vertical: 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 16 and color White with an outline color Purple.
I have also applied a Drop Shadow using the TUBE settings.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

**** New CT Tutorial for Soul Designer - Selena & Matching Kit by Kizzed By Kelz - Girly Winter ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 7th December 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Girly Winter by Kizzed By Kelz found HERE
Tube: Selena by Soul Designer found HERE
Font of Choice - I used Quick Hand.
Mask: Number 12 By Chrissy's Chaos found HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 46 - DNR
* Element 116 - Resized to 110%
* Element 93 - Resized to 110%
* Element 85 - Resized to 115%
* Element 35 - DNR
* Element 77 - Resized to 110%
* Element 157 - Resized to 125%

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 46 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 46 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 116 on to your mask layer.
Resize to 110%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 93 on to your image.
Resize to 110%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 85 on to your image.
Resize to 115%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 35 on to your image.
DNR. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 77 on to your image.
Resize to 110%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 157 on to your image.
Resize to 125%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P your Tube on to your image.
DNR. Position & Apply Drop Shadow

C&P Tube on to your image again.
Resize to 40% & Apply Drop Shadow.

Use the following Drop Shadow Settings for the tube & name:

Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 28 and color Pink with an outline color Blue..
I have also applied a Drop Shadow using the TUBE settings.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

**** New CT Tutorial for SoulDesginer - Teddy Girl & Matching Kit by Kizzed By Kelz - December Delights ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 7th December 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: December Delights by Kizzed By Kelz found HERE
Tube: Teddy Girl by Soul Designer found HERE
Font of Choice - I used Prelude.
Mask: Number 29 By Chrissy's Chaos found HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 2 - DNR
* Element 99 - Resized to 110%
* Element 27 - Resized to 110%
* Element 47 - Resized to 110%
* Element 86 - DNR
* Element 23 - Resized to 50%

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 2 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 2 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 99 on to your mask layer.
Resize to 110%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 27 on to your image.
Resize to 110%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 47 on to your image.
Resize to 110%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 86 on to your image.
DNR. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 23 on to your image.
Resize to 50%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P your Tube on to your image.
Resize to 50%. Position & Apply Drop Shadow.

Go to Effects - Photo Effects - Black & White Film.

Apply Black & White Film using the following settings:

C&P Tube on to your image again.
Resize to 20% & Apply Drop Shadow.

Use the following Drop Shadow Settings for the tube & name:

Vertical: 2
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 30 and color White with an outline color Brown.
I have also applied a Drop Shadow using the TUBE settings.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

Friday, 5 December 2014
**** New CT Tutorial for Amy Marie - Pepper Christmas ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 5th December 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Pepper Christmas by Amy Marie's Kits found HERE
No Tube was used on this Tut. It is a scraps only Tut.
Font of Choice - I used Eight Fifteen.
Mask: 25 by Chrissy's Chaos found HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 5 - DNR
* Element 21 - Resized to 110%
* Element 36 - DNR
* Element 99 - DNR
* Element 116 - Resized to 45%
* Element 54 - Resized to 45%
* Element 128 - Resized to 125%

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 5 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 5 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 21 on to your mask layer.
Resize to 110%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 36 on to your image.
DNR. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 99 on to your image.
DNR and position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 116 on to your image.
Resize to 45%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 54 on to your image.
Resize to 45%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 128 on to your image.
Resize to 125%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

Use the following Drop Shadow Settings for the name:

Vertical: 3
Horizontal: 3
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 14 and color Purple with an outline color Green.
Apply Drop Shadow.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

**** New CT Tutorial for Amy Marie - Fa La La La ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 1st December 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Fa La La La by Amy Marie's Kits found HERE
No Tube was used on this Tut. It is a scraps only Tut.
Font of Choice - I used Snaggle Puss.
Mask: 39 by Millie's PSP Madness found HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 5 - DNR
* Element 26 - Resized to 65%
* Element 48 - Resized to 125%
* Element 59 - Resized to 125%
* Element 2 - Resized to 75%
* Element 23 - Resized to 75%
* Element 22 - DNR

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 5 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 5 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 26 on to your mask layer.
Resize to 65%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 48 on to your image.
Resize to 125%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 59 on to your image.
Resize to 125%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 2 on to your image.
Resize to 75%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 23 on to your image.
Resize to 75%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 22 on to your image.
DNR. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

Use the following Drop Shadow Settings for the name:

Vertical: 3
Horizontal: 3
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 20 and color White with an outline color Red.
Apply Drop Shadow.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

Sunday, 30 November 2014
**** Tag Show Off for Amy Marie - Christmas Old ****

I used the new & Gorgeous Kit, Christmas Old by Amy Marie.
This Kit is currently on Sale for just 74Cents. It can be found HERE.

I paired it with a Gorgeous Tube by Jose Cano called Alyson.
This Tube can be found HERE.

Please do not save this tag. It was made for the kit designer Only.

**** New CT Tutorial for Amy Marie - Christmas Old ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 30th November 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Christmas Old by Amy Marie's Kits found HERE
Tube: Cheryl by Roman Zaric found HERE
Font of Choice - I used Sacramento.
Mask: Number 8 By Chrissy's Chaos found HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 22 - DNR
* Element 118 - Resized to 115%
* Element 117 - DNR

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 22 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 22 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 118 on to your mask layer.
Resize to 115%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 117 on to your image.
DNR. Position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P your Tube on to your image.
DNR. Position & Apply Drop Shadow.

Use the following Drop Shadow Settings for the tube & name:

Vertical: 3
Horizontal: 3
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 20 and color White with an outline color Blue.
I have also applied a Drop Shadow using the TUBE settings.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

**** New CT Tutorial for Amy Marie - Elves ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 30th November 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Elves by Amy Marie's Kits found HERE
No Tube was used on this Tut. It is a scraps only Tut.
Font of Choice - I used Playball.
Mask: 73 by Millie's PSP Madness found HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 12 - DNR
* Element 11 - Resized to 125%
* Element 115 - Resized to 115%
* Element 59 - DNR
* Element 116 - DNR
* Element 74 - DNR
* Element 52 - DNR

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 12 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 12 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 11 on to your mask layer.
Resize to 125%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 115 on to your image.
Resize to 115%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 59 on to your image.
DNR and position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 116 on to your image.
DNR. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 74 on to your image.
DNR. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 52 on to your image.
DNR. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

Use the following Drop Shadow Settings for the name:

Vertical: 3
Horizontal: 3
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 16 and color Purple with an outline color Blue.
Apply Drop Shadow.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

Thursday, 27 November 2014
**** New CT Tutorial for Designs By Norella - Scarlett ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 27th November 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Happy Christmas by Dance In The Rain found HERE
Tube: Scarlett by Designs By Norella found HERE
Font of Choice - I used Paper Plane.
Mask: Number 19 by Millie's PSP Madness found HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 5 - DNR
* Element 24 - Resized to 150%
* Element 43 - Resized to 135%
* Element 4 - Resized to 85%

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 5 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 5 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 24 on to your mask layer.
Resize to 150%. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 43 on to your image.
Resize to 135%. Position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 4 on to your image.
Resize to 85%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P your Tube on to your image.
Resize to 40%. Position & Apply Drop Shadow.

Use the following Drop Shadow Settings for the tube & name:

Vertical: 3
Horizontal: 3
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 24 and color White with an outline color Green.
I have also applied a Drop Shadow using the TUBE settings.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

**** New CT Tutorial for Mystical Scraps Store - Gary Rudisill's Tube, Miss Jenn ****

I made this set using the Gorgeous Tube by Gary Rudisill called Miss Jenn.
This Tube can be purchased HERE.

I matched it with a gorgeous Kit by Amy Marie called Christmas Bright.
This Kit can be purchased HERE.

Please do not save this Set. It was made for the Tube Artist Only.

**** New CT Timeline Set for Drea's Creations - Frostfell ****

I made this set using the New & Awesome Kit, Frostfell by Drea's Creations.
This Kit contains 122 Elements & 30 Papers & is Just $1 HERE.

I paired it with the Gorgeous Miss December Tube by Tony T.
You can purchase the Tube HERE.

Please do not save this Set. It was made for the Kit Designer Only.


