Saturday, 28 June 2014
Hi everyone, I am a CT (Creative Team) Member for Tammy's Welt.
This is my CT Tag.
Kit used is PTU American Colors by Tammy's Welt found HERE
This awesome kit contains loads elements & is gorgeous
Tube used is Butterfly By Alex Prihodko

I have also made some extras for you all. These are for Personal Use Only.
Please do not edit them.

CT Tag for the Kit Designer.

American Colors Scrap Kit.

Now for the FTU (Free To Use) Tag Extras.
Personal Use ONLY!

****NEW CT ALERT**** 
I am over the moon to announce that I am now CT (Creative Team) Member for Pink Paradox.
I am so happy to have joined and have worked with her awesome kit Patriotic Party. 
This kit is simply gorgeous. It contains 145 Elements, 13 Frames & 30 gorgeous Papers.
This kit can be picked up HERE
  Tube is By Alex Prihodko - Gaby.

CT Tag for the Kit Designer.
Patriotic Party Scrap Kit.
Now for the FTU (Free To Use) Tag Extras.
Personal Use ONLY!


Wednesday, 25 June 2014
****NEW CT TUT for Mystical Scraps Store - America Tube By Tezza's Designs****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 25th June 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: I Love The USA by Dance In The Rain found HERE
Tube: America by Tezza's Designs HERE
(You must have a license to use this tube)
Font of Choice - I used Peppa Pig.
Mask #6 by Millie's PSP Madness HERE

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Tube Drop Shadow Settings:
Vertical: 3
Horizontal: 3
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 8 (DNR)
Open Mask #6 in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 8 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 19 on to your mask layer.
DNR & do not move. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Frame 7 on to your image.
DNR, Position & apply drop shadow.
Make sure it is over Element 19 Layer.

C&P Tube on to your image.
Resize to 75% & Position - Apply Drop Shadow. Make sure you are using the TUBE drop shadow settings.

C&P Element 25 on to your image.
Resize to 75% and position. Apply Drop Shadow.
Make sure you have changed the drop shadow settings back to the elements setting.

C&P Element 7 on to your image.
Resize to 50% and position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 70 on to your image.
DNR, Position and apply drop shadow.

C&P Element 27 on to your image.
Resize to 65% and position. Apply Drop Shadow.

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 20 and color Black with an outline color #fb4e4e.
I also applied a drop Shadow using the TUBE settings.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

Sunday, 22 June 2014
****Wick3d Creationz CT - Text Me 2 - Arthur Crowe Exclusive****
I use Wick3d Creationz awesome kit, Text me 2 for this tag. It is an exclusive to Arthur Crowe.
Both the kit and tube can be purchased at Arthur Crowes store HERE.

Tags for the Kit Designer.

Now for the FTU (Free To Use) Tag Extras.
Personal Use ONLY!

Monday, 16 June 2014
****NEW CT ALERT**** 
I am over the moon to announce that I am now CT (Creative Team) Member for Pink Paradox.
I am so happy to have joined and have worked with her awesome kit Patriotic Party. 
This kit is simply gorgeous. It contains 145 Elements, 13 Frames & 30 gorgeous Papers.
This kit can be picked up HERE
  Tube is By Alex Prihodko - On The Beach.
CT Tag for the Kit Designer.

Patriotic Party Scrap Kit.
Now for the FTU (Free To Use) Tag Extras.
Personal Use ONLY!


Saturday, 14 June 2014
I am over the moon to announce I am now CT (Creative Member) for Chris Pastel.
I have used the new tube Oceane.
I used the Cluster Frames from Chilipepper Spiced to make these tags.
Tube can be purchased HERE

I have also made some tag extras for both tags.
These are for Personal Use ONLY!

 CT Tag for the Tube Artist.

Tube Preview.

Now for the FTU (Free To Use) Tag Extras.
Personal Use ONLY!

Tuesday, 10 June 2014
I used Megan's awesome summery kit, Hot Tropics for this tag.
This kit is gorgeous with loads of summery elements and gorgeous papers.
The kit can be picked up at PFD - Hot Tropics.

CT Tag for the Kit Designer.

Hot Tropics Scrap Kit.

Now for the FTU Tag extras.
These are for PU ONLY.
Please no adding anything to them.

****CT TUT for Kizzed By Kelz - A Place Just For Dad****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 8th June 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: A Place Just For Dad by Kizzed By Kelz HERE
No tube was used - Scraps Only TUT.
Font of Choice - I used Ephesis
Mask made by me which you may save. 

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)
Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements & Papers:
* KBK_APJFD (28) (Paper)
* KBK_APlaceJustForDad (1)
* KBK_APalceJustForDad (4)
* KBK_APlaceJustForDad (23)
* KBK_APlaceJustForDad (32)
* KBK_APlaceJustForDad (74)
* KBK_APlaceJustForDad (101)
* KBK_APlaceJustForDad (104)
* KBK_APlaceJustForDad (120)
* KBK_APlaceJustForDad (127)
* KBK_APlaceJustForDad (130)

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 28 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 28 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 32 on to your mask layer.
Move it down slightly & Resize to 120% & Apply DS.

C&P Paper 74 on to your image.
DNR or move this layer but place under Element 32. No DS.

C&P Element 127 on to your image.
Click Image & Resize to 50% & Position. Apply DS.
Make sure it is over Element 32 Layer.

Duplicate Element 127 and Flip horizontal and move to the right of your image.

C&P Element 120 on to your image.
Click Image & Resize to 75% & Position UNDER elements 32 & 127. Apply DS.

C&P Element 101 on to your image.
Click Image & Resize to 50%. Move it down but keep it in the middle. Make sure it is over Element 32. Apply DS.

C&P Element 23 on to your image.
Click Image & Resize to 50%, Move it to the left making sure it is over all other elements. Apply DS.

C&P Element 1 on to your image.
Click Image & Resize to 50%. Move it to the right & Position. Make sure it is over all other layers. Apply DS.

C&P Element 4 on to your image.
Click Image & Resize to 40%. Move it to the right & Position. Make sure it is over all other layers. Apply DS.

C&P Element 104 on to your image.
Click Image & Resize to 40%. Move it to the left & Position. Make sure it is under all other layers except element 32. Apply DS.

C&P Element 130 on to your image.
DNR. Move it to the MIDDLE & Position. Make sure it is under all other layers except element 74. Apply DS.

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 28 and color Black with an outline color #c9dd05.
I also applied a DS using the following settings:
Vertical: 3
Horizontal: 3
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Add your copyright info & License number if you chose to use a tube & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at
****CT TUT for Heather's Devine Dezigns - Elegant Steampunk****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 8th June 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Elegant Steampunk by Heather's Devine Dezigns HERE
Tube: Steampunk Gril 2 by Very Many  HERE
(You must have a license to use this tube)
Font of Choice - I used Digital Strip
Mask made by me which you may save.

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)
Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements & Papers:
* PP7
* pp17
* E53 (It's a Frame)
* E16
* E25

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 7 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 7 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 53 on to your mask layer.
DNR but move up.

Duplicate Element 53 (Frame) & on the bottom frame layer apply DS.

C&P Paper 17 on to your image.
Make sure this layer is under ALL other layers (Except the grouped masked layers)
Click Image & Resize to 65% & move to fit inside the frame.
Erase any paper that is showing outside the frame.

C&P Your tube on to your Image.
Place inbetween the frame layers.
Resize this to suit your needs. I resized mine to 65%.
Erase any tube that is showing outside the frames at the bottom (NOT the top).

Now Erase the top frame layer around the top of the tube.
Your tube should now look like it is coming out of the frame.

On your tube layer you are now going to add your DS with the following settings:
Vertical: 3
Horizontal: 3
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

C&P Element 16 on to your image.
Click Image & Resize to 150% & move down & apply DS. Make sure this layer is over the other layers.
Make sure it is over Element 52 Layer.

C&P Element 27 on to your image.
Click Image & Resize to 65% & Position to the right & apply DS. Make sure this layer is UNDER Element 16.

Dulicate Element 27 and Flip horizontal and move to the left side. It should looked Mirrored.

C&P Element 25 on to your image.
DNR & Place to the left of your image & apply DS. Make sure this is under Element 27.

Duplicate Element 25 and Flip horizontal and move to the right side. It should looked Mirrored again.

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 14 and color Black with an outline color #e97f4a.
I also applied a DS using the following settings:
Vertical: 3
Horizontal: 3
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

****MMéliCréa Designz CT TUT****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 8th June 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Summer Lovin' by MMéliCréa Designz HERE
Tube: Mermaid Girl by Ismael Rac HERE
(You must have a license to use this tube)
Font of Choice - I used, Smell The Roses.
Mask I made which you may save.

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)
Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* MMD - Paper 8
* MMD - Paper 5
* MMD - Frame 6
* MMD - Element 14
* MMD - Element 15
* MMD - Element 27
* MMD - Element 45
* MMD - Element 52
* MMD - Element 56
* MMD - Element 93
* MMD - Element 99

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 8 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 8 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 56 on to your mask layer.
DNR or Move. No DS.

C&P Frame 6 on to your image.
Click Image & Resize to 75% & Position.
Apply DS.

C&P Element 15 on to your image.
DNR but move down so it is OVER Frame 6 & apply DS.

C&P Element 93 on to your image.
Click Image & Resize to 35% & Position to the right & apply DS.

C&P Paper 5 on to your image.
Place it under all the elements but not the grouped masked layers.
Click Image & Resize to 50% & Position inside the frame.
Erase the paper that shows outside the frame.

C&P Element 52 on to your image.
DNR but add DS.
Make sure this layer is OVER all the elements, frames & papers.

C&P Element 99 on to your image.
Click Image & Resize to 75% & Position UNDER element 93 (Sandcastle) but OVER Frame 6.
Apply DS.

C&P Element 14 on to your image.
Click Image & Resize to 75% & Position.
Apply DS.

C&P Element 27 on to your image.
Click Image & Resize to 50% & Position under Element 14.
Apply DS.

C&P Element 45 on to your image.
Click Image & Resize to 50% & Position under all Elements except Frame 6.
Apply DS.

C&P Tube on to your image.
Click Image & Resize to 30% & Position over ALL Elements & Frames.
Apply DS

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 36 and color Black with an outline color #ffa803 & Stroke Width 2.0.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visable.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at
Friday, 6 June 2014
Hi everyone, I am a CT (Creative Team) Member for MistyLynn Creations
This is my CT Tag.
Kit used is PTU A Dark Night by MistyLynn found HERE
This awesome kit contains loads elements & is perfect for any Wedding Day.
This is a scraps only set of tags. No tubes were used.

I have also made some extras for you all. These are for Personal Use Only.
Please do not edit them.

CT Tags for the Kit Designer.

A Dark Night Scrap Kit.

Now for the FTU (Free To Use) Tag Extras.
Personal Use ONLY!


