Friday, 2 October 2015
**** New CT Tags for Amy Marie's Kit, Autumn Coming ****

Please do not save these tags, they were made for the Kit Designer only.

Kit used it by Amy Marie - Autumn Coming.
It can be Purchased HERE

Artwork is by the following Artist:

*Alfadesire - Golden Lady - Found HERE
*Chris Pastel - Autumnia - Found HERE

Tuesday, 29 September 2015
**** CT Call for Tiny Turtle Designs Artist - October Call ****

October CT Call Tiny Turtle Designs Artist.
You are required to work the Artist Tubes & you can also work any Kit Matches (No more than 3 per Month)
Taggers are required to do 8 Tubes per month & produce 2 quality tags per Tube.
Tutorial Writers are required to do 6 Tubes per month & produce 1 quality Tutorial & Tag per Tube.

Artist Tubes can be found HERE

If interested please inbox me on Facebook HERE
Please include you Blog link & How many CT's you are currently on.

Monday, 28 September 2015
**** New Snag Timeline Set - Dark Intentionz ****

You may save this set for your own Personal Use Only. This must NOT be edited in any way.
No adding Name or Elements please.

Kit used is By Dance In The Rain - Dark Intentionz.
It can be purchased HERE & HERE

Tube is By Chris Pastel - Diablesse.
It can be Purchased HERE

**** New CT Timeline Set for Chris Pastel's Tube, Diablesse ****

Please do not save this set, it was made for the Tube Artist only.

Kit used is by Dance In The Rain - Dark Intentionz.
It can be Purchased HERE & HERE

Tube is by Chris Pastel - Diablesse.
It can be Purchased HERE

Friday, 25 September 2015
**** Crowe Autumn Lover Timeline Snag Set ****

You may save this set for your Personal Use Only. No Names or Elements are to be added to this.
You can NOT edit this set in any way.

Kit used is by Dance In The Rain - Azalea's Autumn.
It can be Purchased HERE & HERE

Tube used is by Arthur Crowe - Natural Beauty.
It can be Purchased HERE


