Wednesday, 30 November 2016
**** Brand New CT Tag for Chili Designz - Winter War ****

This stunning Kit contains 104 Elements, 10 Frames & 14 Papers.

Tube used is the Tube to Match by Danny Lee.

Kit can be Purchased HERE

Tube can be Purchased HERE

Please do not save this tag, it was made for the Kit Designer only.

Thursday, 6 October 2016
**** New CT Tags for Moonshine Dezignz Kit, Graveyard Rock ****

This stunning Kit contains 75 Elements 3 Frames & 10 Papers.
It's perfect for all your Halloween tags.

Kit can be Purchased HERE

Artwork is by Spazz & Zlata M

 Spazz - Wednesday HERE

Zlata M - Witch HERE

Zlata M - Halloween Broom HERE

Please do not save these tags, they were made for the Kit Designer only.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016
**** Brand New CT Tutorial for Amy Marie's Kit, Timeless ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 18th May 2016 & is intended for educational purposes only. 

Scrap Kit: Timeless by Amy Marie's Kits found HERE
Tube: The Tube is included in the Kit & is by Angelica S.
Font of Choice - I used District
Mask of Choice

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything including the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 3 
Horizontal: 3
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 1 - DNR
* Element 47 - DNR
* Element 23 - Resized to 120% 
* Element 19 - DNR
* Element 62 - Resized to 65%
* Element 85 - Resized to 50%
* Element 3 - Resized to 45%
* Element 6 - Resized to 45%
* Element 8 - Resized to 45%

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 1 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 1 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image. 
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 47 on to your mask layer.
DNR. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 23 on to your image.
Resize to 120%. Position. Apply Drop Shadow.
Duplicate - Mirror - No need to add extra Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 19 on to your image. 
DNR. Position & apply Drop Shadow. 
Duplicate - Mirror - No need to add extra Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 62 on to your image. 
Resize to 65%. Position & apply Drop Shadow. 
Duplicate - Mirror - No need to add extra Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 85 on to your image. 
Resize to 50%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.
Duplicate - Mirror - No need to add extra Drop Shadow. 

C&P Element 3 on to your image. 
Resize to 45%. Position & apply Drop Shadow. 

C&P Element 6 on to your image. 
Resize to 45%. Position & apply Drop Shadow. 

C&P Element 8 on to your image. 
Resize to 45%. Position & apply Drop Shadow. 

C&P your Tube on to your image.
DNR. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

Use the following Drop Shadow Settings for the name:

Vertical: 3
Horizontal: 3
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 8 and color White.
I have also applied a Drop Shadow using the TUBE settings.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible. 

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy. 

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial. 
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

Wednesday, 11 May 2016
**** Brand New CT Tutorial for Amy Marie's Kit, Mystic Treasure ****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 10th May 2016 & is intended for educational purposes only. 

Scrap Kit: Mystic Treasure by Amy Marie's Kits found HERE
Tube: Patty by Stan Dudin found HERE
Font of Choice - I used A Red Bucket
Mask of Choice

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything including the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 2 
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 3 - DNR
* Element 3 - DNR
* Element 105 - DNR
* Element 102 - Resized to 70%
* Element 57 - DNR
* Element 58 - DNR
* Element 64 - Resized to 45%
* Element 61 - Resized to 40%

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 3 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 3 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image. 
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Element 3 on to your mask layer.
DNR. Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Element 105 on to your image.
DNR. Position. Apply Drop Shadow.
Duplicate - Mirror - No need to add extra Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 102 on to your image.
Resize to 70%. Position. Apply Drop Shadow.
Duplicate - Mirror - No need to add extra Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 57 on to your image.
DNR. Position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 58 on to your image.
DNR. Position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 64 on to your image.
Resize to 45%. Position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Element 61 on to your image.
Resize to 40%. Position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P your Tube on to your image.
Resize to 40%. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

Use the following Drop Shadow Settings for the name:

Vertical: 3
Horizontal: 3
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 36 and color White.
Apply Drop Shadow using above settings.

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible. 

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy. 

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial. 
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

Tuesday, 10 May 2016
**** Brand New Snaggable Timeline Set ****

Kit used is by Drea's Designs, Bonjour Paris which can be purchased HERE

Tube used is by Alehandra Vanhek, Lola which can be purchased HERE

This set is for your Personal Use only and you can NOT add anything to it.

