Tuesday, 8 July 2014
****New CT Tutorial for Freeks Creations - Nightshade****

Now for the Tutorial

This tutorial is written with the assumption that you have working knowledge of PSP.
It was written by Dance In The Rain on 8th July 2014 & is intended for educational purposes only.

Scrap Kit: Nightshade by Freeks Creations found HERE
Tube: Gothic Bride by Zlata M found HERE.
(You must have a license to use this tube)
Font of Choice - I used Grape Nuts ROB.
Mask made by me and you can save it.

♥ Lets get started ♥
For the Drop Shadow on everything except the tube I am using the following settings:
Vertical: 1
Horizontal: 2
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black (You can use any color you wish)

Tube Drop Shadow Settings:
Vertical: 3
Horizontal: 3
Opacity: 100
Blur: 3.00
Color: Black

Remember to save everything as you go along in order not to lose it in case of a crash.

DNR means Do Not Resize.
C&P means Copy & Paste.
DS means Drop Shadow.

I am using the following elements frames & Papers:
* Paper 4 - DNR
* Frame - DNR
* Leaves Resized to 75% 
* Grass - DNR
* Splatter 2 - DNR
* Moon Resized to 125%
* Tree Resized to 75%
* Butterfly - DNR

You can look back at my image for placement of elements.

Open Paper 4 (DNR)
Open Mask in a different window (DNR)
Click on Paper 4 window and go to Layers, New Layer Group, Click ok.
Click on Layers again & New Mask Layer, From Image.
In the source window click on the Mask Layer. Click ok.

C&P Frame on to your mask layer.
DNR Apply Drop Shadow & Position.

C&P Leaves on to your image.
Resize to 75%, Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Grass on to your image.
DNR. Position & apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Splatter 2 on to your image.
DNR and position. Apply Dropshadow.
Make sure this layer is under all other element layers.

C&P Moon on to your image.
Resize to 125% and position. Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Tree on to your image.
Resize to 75% and position. NO Drop Shadow.

C&P Butterfly on to your image.
DNR. Position & Apply Drop Shadow.

C&P Your tube on to your image.
Resize to 50%. Position and Apply TUBE settings DS.

We are almost done now.
Add your name. I used font size 24 and color Black with an outline color Red (#ec0c0b).
I have also applied a Drop Shadow using the TUBE settings

Add your copyright info, License number & Merge Visible.

Save & you're done. Simply & Easy.

I would love to see what you make using my tutorial.
Thank you for following my Tutorial & I hope you enjoyed it.
If you have any questions please feel free to email me at danceintherain1990@gmail.com


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